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Life Members

The following individuals have been recognised for their significant contributions to athletics in Western Australia and are Life Members of Athletics West.

If you are a Life Member and would like to update your contact details, please submit this form.

Peter Bacich Jackie Halberg Chilla Porter *
Syd Bickle * Valerie Hancock * Valerie Prescott
Pieter Bergshoeff Doug Hancy * Don Rapley *
W H Bourne * Thomas Hantke * Jeanette Robertson OAM
Maxine Boyd * Joy Hardman Paddy Robinson *
Fiona Brown Joan Harris * Kaye Runge
Marion Buchanan Robert Harris * Wendy Ryan *
Gwen Bull * Arthur Hindle * Margaret Saunders
David Carr* Ross Holland Allan Savage
Patricia Carr Kevan Hook * Bob Schickert
Jacquie Cattermole Ernest V (Dick) Horsley * Lynne Schickert AM
Rick Cattermole Fred Humphreys MBE * George Skeels *
Robert Chalmers* Frank Jamieson David Smith *
Gwen Chester * Beris Johnson * Noel Bruce Stanton
Errol Clay Robin Johnson Christine Stanton
William Collier * Terry Jones Fred Stewart *
David Cramer Don Keane * Anne Stingemore
Martin Crowe * Joe Keeling* Stephen Stingemore OAM
Frank Day OAM * Barrie Kernaghan Russell Stranger
Shirley de la Hunty MBE * Doug Lambert June Streeter
Lee Derby Andy W Lang Marcus F Synnot *
Margaret Devine Persephone Lazarakis James Taylor
Tol Downing * Pat Lewis George Tempest *
Paul Druit Jim MaCaulay BEM* Mavis Tempest
Jacqui Dufall * Jas. D McDonald * F A Treacey *
Ian Dunne * Anne Masters Frank (Theo) Treacey *
Marie Fitzsimmons Ray Mawson * Bruce Trivett *
Yvonne Flavel Beverly McCagh Bill Tucker *
Brian Foley * Ellen McKenzie * W W (Waldo) Turner *
Lyn Foreman OAM Steven McMahon * Frederick C Tyrie *
David Gardiner Phyllis M McWhillie * Fritz Vanirsen *
Geoff Garnett OAM Sir Thomas Meagher * David van der Walt
John Gilmour OAM * Steve Mladenis Mr Ossie Waddell *
Lindsey Glass Frederick Napier OAM * Bruce Wilson OAM *
Kate Glass Brian Newton Fran Wilson
Anne Graham Ed Niemanis * Kim Wood *
Freddie Graham Ernest George North * Teresa Blackman
L P Gray * Pamela O’Connell  
Bob Green * Bernie O’Sullivan *  
Jean Gullan Harry Poole  

Updated 21 January 2025