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Published Thu 16 Apr 2020


The team at Athletics in WA hopes you had an enjoyable Easter, are keeping safe, fit and healthy.

As the 2019-20 Season formally comes to a close, Athletics in WA reflects on the first successful season under the One Management Team model.  Whilst the summer athletics season ended abruptly amidst the COVID-19 crisis, we have continued to make significant progress in our transition to becoming One Sport.

From an internal management perspective, Little Athletics and Athletics WA staff have come together to share their knowledge and experience across the whole sport.  We have received valuable feedback from our athletics community on programs and events, and we look forward to implementing some innovative, new and exciting initiatives to regular programs during the 2020-21 season.

The Little Athletics WA, Athletics WA and Combined Boards, in conjunction with Tottle Partners, have produced the Final Draft of the Constitution, providing the governance framework for a single, cohesive and united Athletics organisation.  Members will be required to vote on a motion to officially adopt the single governance structure at Special General Meetings (SGM) convened for both Little Athletics WA and Athletics WA. The new governance structure can only be adopted if the motion is successfully passed at each SGM. 

It is currently proposed to hold the SGM’s for Little Athletics WA and Athletics WA in late June 2020.  Information relating to the Constitution, including highlighting key areas, will be forwarded to Members in accordance with the timeline requirements of the existing LAWA and AWA Constitution’s.

Given the current and ongoing threat of COVID-19 and the Government’s restrictions on gatherings, we may be unable to conduct these meetings in a face-to-face environment. If this is the case, meetings will be conducted via Zoom, a digital conferencing platform where the SGM can be facilitated online. Please be assured if we must proceed with an online meeting, we will work with members to ensure everyone has access and will arrange a test session, in advance, for those who are unfamiliar with the platform. Further information, including meeting arrangements for the SGMs, will be distributed mid-May.

This is an exciting time for the sport, and we look forward to sharing our progress with you over the coming weeks.

Take care and stay safe.


Vince Del Prete

Chief Executive Officer

Athletics in WA