In sport, classification exists so that athletes compete in the fair and equal competition. Most sports have simple classification systems that group athletes according to age, gender or weight. In Paralympic Sport, the wide range of sports and disabilities create unique classification systems. Paralympic classification groups athletes according to how their disability impacts on their sport. Athletes compete against others with similar disabilities, so that the athletes who succeed do so on the basis of athletic performance. In Australia, classification is a free service that is available to any athlete that wishes to compete against others with a similar disability.
Classification is not a requirement for general participation in athletics and all athletes are also encouraged to participate and compete in mainstream opportunities where appropriate.
Types of Classification in Australia
There is a range of disability groups eligible to compete within the Australian athletics system as an athlete with a disability. These disability groups are separated into varying classifications to ensure fair competition. The classification groups are as follows:
Hearing Impairment, Vision Impairment, Physical Impairment, Transplant Impairment and Intellectual Impairment.
Each disability group has a set of minimal disability criteria that an athlete must meet in order to be eligible to compete as an athlete with a disability. Athletes must undergo specific Athlete Evaluation or Eligibility processes to obtain a classification.
Paralympic Classification Classes Information
For track and field international competition there are three impairment groups which are considered Paralympic Classes. These are Physical Impairment, Intellectual Impairment and Visual Impairment.
For further information on National and International Classification, please visit the Athletics Australia website.
Classification Policy and Procedures
The purpose of the Classification Policy and Procedures is to clearly define the systems of classification adopted by Athletics Australia and recognise the role of system partners. It will ensure the ongoing provision of a consistent and sustainable classification system nationally. For more information on AA classification policy and procedures please carefully read through the below document.
AA Classification Policy and Procedures
Classification Bodies
There are five National Sports Bodies that run classification for track and field in Australia, please read through below for information on how to obtain a classification in your relevant impairment group. If you are unsure or would like some assistance in obtaining a classification please complete the Athletics Australia Request for Classification form. Once you have completed this form an Athletics Australia staff member will contact you and advise you on the next step of your classification process.
1. PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT: National Sports Organisation - Athletics Australia
National Classification Registration- Perth (1 November 2024)
- Athletics Australia is responsible for all physical impairment classifications, please view the National Classification Calendar to see when the next classification opportunity for Physical Impairment is occurring. You can follow the links on the calendar to register for the classification day with the State Member Association administering the event. These National Classifications allow physical impairment athletes to compete at any athletic event up to and including national-level events.
- Athletes wishing to compete internationally under a physical impairment must be classified separately as an international athlete. Athletes wishing to be classified as an international athlete are Advised to contact Athletics Australia for more information.
2. VISION IMPAIRMENT: National Sports Organisation - Paralympics Australia
Paralympics Australia manage the National Classification Program for Vision Impairment. If you have a vision impairment (VI) and would like to start the process of getting a VI classification, please complete the request for classification form.
3. INTELLECTUAL IMPAIRMENT: National Sports Organisation - Sport Inclusion Australia
- Sport Inclusion Australia are the national organisation responsible for classifying athletes with an Intellectual Impairment. Athletes wishing to participate in athletics as an Intellectually impaired at national level events must complete the National Eligibility Application form.
- Athletes who wish to compete internationally under an intellectual impairment must apply through Sport Inclusion Australia to receive an INAS classification. INAS classifications are for para-athletes with an Intellectual Disability who participate in track and field events offered at an international level and athletes who would like to be considered for selection to compete at international athletics events. For more information on an INAS classification read the INAS application procedures.
4. HEARING IMPAIRMENT: National Sports Organisation - Deaf Sports Australia
- Deaf Sports Australia (DSA) is the national sports organisation that are responsible for Hearing Impaired classifications. Athletes wishing to obtain a classification as a Hearing Impaired Athlete, must first obtain an Audiogram. Athletes then must download and complete the Audiogram Classification Form and return it to DSA. Please return completed forms to Deaf Sports Australia. For more information on Hearing Impaired classification please read the DSA Sport Participation Page.
5. TRANSPLANT IMPAIRMENT: National Sports Organisation - Transplant Australia
- Athletes who have received a transplant, and wish to be classified as a transplant athlete must apply through Transplant Australia. To obtain a transplant classification athletes must complete the Application for Transplant Classification Form and return it to Transplant Australia. The application form is to be completed by both the Athlete and their Transplant Specialist. Once completed the application is to be returned to Richelle King at Transplant Australia for classification.
Application for Transplant Impaired Classification
Completion of an Athlete Classification
Once an athlete's classification has been confirmed they will receive a copy of their results from the classification (for all impairment groups) which they can use to enter in track and field events up to and including the level of classification they have received.
Once the athlete has been informed of their classification results they will be added to the Athletics Australia Classification Masterlist. This is the master list for all classified athletes in track and field in Australia. If you believe you have been classified and do not appear on this list please contact Athletics Australia.
Have a look at some resources from the industry to assist in your journey in Para-Sport.
Athletics Australia Diversity & Inclusion Hub
Athletics Australia Competition Entry Standards
Athletics Australia Classification FAQ's
Athletics Australia Para-Athletics Policies
Little Athletics Australia Inclusion Hub
Paralympic Australia- The Start Line
Athletics Australia- Multi-Class Scoring (Baseline Performance)
Can't find what you're looking for? Contact Athletics West office for assistance or 08 6272 0480.
This series with support from Rebound WA, provides a unique opportunity for participants to get sized up for a running frame, learn how to run using the Frame, and take part in running activities all in a fun, supportive environment. Sessions will be delivered by experienced physiotherapists and accredited Athletics Coaches and will run for 7-8 weeks during school terms.
Date/ Time | Location | Cost | Registration |
Start: 17 February 2025, Finish: 7 April 2025 Monday - 4:30pm - 5:30pm |
WA Athletics Stadium |
$105 per participant for seven sessions
Registrations Open |